Mail an innerprocess

Workshops, seminars, facilitation

Using innerprocess, I facilitate a number of workshops and seminars (didactic mixed with creative experientials). Possible subjects are:

  • Working with emotion, thought and self-awareness
  • Creativity and intuition
  • Developing and manifesting your (creative) potential
  • Working with life transitions and changes
  • Creative Dream Psychology
  • Deep-Imagery and Creative Expression – creative paths into healing
  • Working with shadow, the hidden aspects and gifts of our personality
  • Exploring interpersonal relationships through creative dialogues
  • Nature, Art and the Psyche – a deep form of innerprocess work
  • Self-discovery experiences in nature through “Soulcraft” and inner (vision) Quest

Nature-based innerprocess programs

  • “SoulcraftTM”: a nature-based, process-oriented, consciousness development and personal experience with elements from modern depth psychology, transpersonal psychology and eco-psychology.
  • Inner (vision) Quests in nature.

Further education programs and workshops/seminars for university students and professionals of the (creative) therapeutic field:

  • The therapist’s “presence”: from self-effectiveness to projections and the influence of the therapist in the therapeutic setting;
  • Nurturing the soul of the therapist (self-help skills for therapists), reflection, mindfulness exercises and meditation;
  • Creative dialogue and interpersonal communication: exploration of different levels of verbal and non-verbal dialogue in a group setting;
  • Projections, transferences and counter-transferences in a creative-therapeutic setting;
  • Deep imagery-creation-integration: an innerprocess method in 3 stages;
  • Creative approaches to dream psychology
  • Transpersonal art therapy: meditative painting, frequency images and visual images in the creative process as manifestations of a greater whole;
  • Exploring topics of shadow and light in the therapeutic setting: recognition, engagement and integration;
  • Conflict resolution: transparent communication;
  • Nature, Art and the Psyche: an innerprocess method
  • “Soulcraft”: a nature-based, process-oriented, consciousness development and personal experience with elements from modern depth psychology, transpersonal psychology and eco-psychology.
  • Inner (vision) Quests in nature.

Seminars are offered on request to training institutions, educational establishments and seminar centers internationally. The contents of the seminar can be determined and arranged according to particular purpose and needs. For further information, please contact me at